Easy Way to Lose C Section Tummy

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Avoid Processed Food & Eat Healthier

While it's recommended to wait at least 6-8 weeks before you start exercising and dieting, that doesn't mean that you can't change your diet now! It is never too late, or too early, to change your diet and start eating healthier.

Eating healthier does not mean going on a diet. It simply means cutting out the junk food and replacing it with healthier options, such as whole foods. Avoiding all processed foods (chips, baked goods, fried foods, etc) will have a major effect on your weight loss. Processed foods are higher in calories so it's much easier to eat more of without even realizing.

If you switch to whole foods (fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, lean meats, etc), these foods are naturally lower in calories. This means that you can actually eat a larger volume of them, while still losing weight.

Eating healthier won't just benefit your body - it also benefits your child. The more nutrients you consume through your diet, the more nutrients your baby will receive through your breastmilk. If you constantly consume junk food full of artificial flavors, colorings, and chemicals, it only makes sense that your body will be ingesting those chemicals as well. The healthier you eat, the healthier your child will be.

Everyone benefits from choosing whole foods. The people who are successful at sticking to a healthy diet with ease are the ones who look at it as a way to nurture themselves and their families. It's a form of self-care. If you eat food that provides your body with all the nutrients that it needs, you will be able to perform your best, look your best, and be the overall best version of yourself.

Walking to Lose Weight

Walking is one of the best exercises that you can do after a C-section. It is a very light and easy exercise, yet it still gets your heart rate up and your blood circulating. Walking is an amazing activity because you can do it with your friends and family. It's easy to talk when you walk, compared to running, where it can be a struggle to keep a conversation going.

Walking can improve your mood, and it's always good to fill your lungs with fresh air. If you don't want to walk with friends or family, you can always walk alone, or push your baby in a stroller. This will help your body to burn even more calories because of the weight of the stroller, without it being too hard on your body.

Start With Gentle Exercises

When it is time to safely exercise, it's best to start with gentle exercises. Slow and steady always wins the race in terms of postpartum fitness. In addition to walking, stretching is a great easy exercise. Stretching is beneficial because it can break up any scar tissue that contributes to a belly pouch.

Lay on your stomach, and then try to lift your chest and head just a few inches from the floor.

Lie on the floor with your back down. Slowly and carefully reach your arms and legs above your head.

Lay on your stomach, and then try to lift your chest and head just a few inches from the floor.

Each of the above moves works to stretch your stomach while strengthening your pelvic floor. They aren't aggressive, however, if you notice any pain, it's important to stop immediately.


To conclude, the weight will come off, you just need to be patient. Once you accept the weight gain and understand why it happened, it becomes easier to get comfortable with your body during recovery and regaining your optimal physical abilities.

Even though you can't start exercising right away, you can change your diet to eat healthier foods at any point.

Nourishing your body will also nourish your baby.

Breastfeeding is another thing that you do right away that aids in weight loss.

It's a workout that will soon become second nature.

Be patient, enjoy your first few months with your baby, and before you know it, you'll feel back to your true self. If you follow the above tips and recommendations, it will make the weight loss process easier as well.


Source: https://www.myupspring.com/blogs/c-section/losing-baby-weight-how-to-tone-your-tummy-after-a-c-section

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